

Overview of SMF

Overview of Sony Music Foundation

Name Sony Music Foundation
Location SME-Rokubancho Bldg., 4-5 Rokubancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,102-8353 Japan
Committee Members

<Chairman of the Board>

  • Michinori MIZUNO

<Executive Managing Director>

  • Satoshi AOKI

<Managing Director>

  • Fumihiko KANAGAWA

<Executive Adviser>

  • Shigenobu KARUBE


  • Akishige OKADA
  • Wataru GOTO
  • Nobutada SAJI
  • Tsuyoshi TSUTSUMI
  • Shigeo MARUYAMA
  • Sachiyo WATABE


  • Hirotoshi KORENAGA
  • Koichi TSUJII
  • Kiyoshi MATSUO


    • Yasushi ABE
    • Naomi USHIO
    • Mitsuru OHKI
    • Mineko ORISAKU
    • Shiro KAMBE
    • Kaoru SHOJI
    • Hidehiko NAGATA
    • Ichiro HAYAKAWA
    • Hisato HOSHI
    • Tatsuaki MATSUMOTO
    • Kiyotatsu MIYOSHI
    • Shunsuke MURAMATSU
    • Masayuki YAMADA

(in Japanese syllabary order)

Ⅰ. To provide high quality music to children

■Organization, Planning and Commissioned Production of Concerts

Concert for Pre-Zero-Year-Olds ~Mom is My Premium Seat~
A concert series for mothers-to-be, since 1985
Masaru Ibuka (1908-1997), Co-Founder of Sony Corporation, advocated the importance of prenatal nurturing of intelligence and sentiment. This concert series was launched with his suggestion in mind and is now being held across the country. Also featuring talks by the performers, this concert series has been popular over the years as something that expecting mothers and their family members can relax and enjoy.
Concert for KIDS ~Classical Music from Age Zero~
Concert for KIDS ~Classical Music from Age Three~
Concert for KIDS ~KODO from Age Zero~
A series of classical music concerts for newborns and preschoolers to enjoy with their family
Open for preschoolers, the “Concert for KIDS” series started in 1999. The concerts have been held over 300 times throughout the nation, attracting tremendous popularity and have cumulative turnouts of over 130,000 people. The one-hour classical music concert is designed with various ideas to attract and keep the attention of children, including high-quality performances gratifying even for adults, and interactive sessions in which children can physically enjoy music by moving their bodies. We also offer a wide variety of services for the family to fully enjoy their first classical music concert experience, by providing them with diaper changing and breastfeeding rooms and stroller parking spaces.
The spin-off series “KODO from Age Zero” produced and performed by taiko (traditional Japanese drum) performing arts ensemble KODO, as well as “Mozart from Age Zero” a story telling entertainment focusing on world famous composer Mozart, have also been enjoying high popularity.
Music Festival for Children and Young People
A festival for children featuring world-class classical music
The Music Festival for Children and Young People is one of the world’s largest classical music festivals for Children, produced by the Sony Music Foundation and the SUNTORY FOUNDATION for the Arts, both with ample experience in child-oriented concerts.
These special events specifically tailored for children are unique and hard to find elsewhere in the world, and bring joy to audiences through elaborate concerts, workshops, and other programs.
Special Concert Series for Children
~Premium Concerts for Teens~

A concert series for the youth to enjoy quality music
This concert series was launched in 2004 to offer first-hand experiences of classical works performed by world-class musicians. The series targets teens, providing high level performances and lectures by top notch classical musicians at a reasonable and accessible price, and has seen high popularity over the years.
Sony Music Foundation Disaster Relief Charity Concert
Beethoven’s Symphony No.9 Charity Concert Series with elementary, junior high and senior high school students
Supporting disaster relief through music
The Disaster Relief Charity Concert Project began in 2011, and invite Elementary/Junior/Senior High school students and their parents to participate in the Beethoven Symphony No.9 concert as Chorus members. This project enables those Chorus members to participate directly in the performance, and donation from the audience and revenue from the concerts are contributed to Disaster Relief Organizations.
Dream Seats
A membership program for elementary to high school students to experience classical music concerts at reasonable prices
Dream Seats is a membership program in which we offer tickets to orchestra and other prominent classical concerts held across the nation at a special price to parents and children from elementary to high school. (Membership registration is free of charge.) The program provides children with the opportunities to enjoy real world classical concerts (these concerts are not tailored for children and open for general audiences)
Kodomo Ongaku Shimbun (Children’s Music Newsletter)
Introducing the readers to fun facts on classical music
We publish this newsletter which introduces the readers pieces of information on classical music, musicians, and composers, to enrich children’s knowledge and interest in classical music. The newsletters are provided to educational institutions and distributed free of charge at concert venues, as well as on the Web for casual reading.

Ⅱ. Creating spaces for everyone to enjoy classical music

Japanese Red Cross Society Blood Donation Charity Concert
A series of charity concerts, proceeds of which are donated exclusively for the utilization in blood-donation services
This project was launched in 1990 with the co-sponsorship of Mikimoto Group in order to further raise awareness on “blood donation” that had become a major social concern in response to the HIV/AIDS problem. Part of the proceeds of this concert series are donated to the Japanese Red Cross Society for the specific purpose to utilize in the purchase and the maintenance of blood transportation vehicles.
That’s classic!
A lecture type classical music concert like you never experienced before…
A new type of classical concert with inspiring visuals and sounds.
MC/Lecturer will take you through a unique journey letting you feel and learn classical music with a lot of fun! This is a brand new series that recently launched in 2019.
A concert series performed by world-class maestros and artists
In this series, we design highly unique programs performed by musicians of world-class artistry and yet setting the admission fees at affordable prices. We have organized concerts by established musicians such as the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Isaac Stern, and Ensemble Wien-Berlin to name a few. Also as part of “International Oboe Competition” program, we have organized “ Winners and Juries concert”

Ⅲ. Support nurturing young classical musicians

■Organization and Sponsorship of International Competitions and Events
A globally recognized international oboe competition
「“THE INTERNATIONAL OBOE COMPETITION OF JAPAN” has been held every three years since 1985, to promote the true artistic value of oboe, as well as to contribute to the development of the culture of music with an international perspective by discovering and fostering talented musicians and help them expand their scope of activities in both Japan and abroad. The 12th Competition was held in 2018.
With past winners going on to become international figures making the world’s major orchestras their stages, it has established its recognition as an international competition which serves as the gateway for the success of young oboists.

■Awarding of Artists

Hideo Saito Memorial Fund Award
Special Grant awarded to young and promising cellists and conductors
Sony Music Foundation established the Hideo Saito Memorial Award in 2002, under the name of the renowned late cellist/conductor/educator. We present the awards, which is operated by the property bequeathed to the Foundation by his widow Hideko upon her passing, to young and promising cellists and conductors.

■Organization of Music, Opera, Dance and Other Workshops

Organization of Seminars, etc.
Since its birth, Sony Music Foundation has been holding a variety of seminars and master classes.
In 2015, we held an outreach program by internationally renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma, open to elementary, junior high and high school students.

■Fostering of Artistic Talents

We support and organize recitals and concerts for the winners from the International Oboe Competition.
Support of “Hideo Saito Memorial Fund Award” Recipients
We support and organize Hideo Saito Memorial Fund Award recipients

Ⅳ. Support of Educational Activities/Initiatives for Children through Music

Sony Music Foundation Music Fund for Children
Support the organization educating children through music
The fund established in 2019 providing support to organizations that engage in music activities designed to educate children to help create a society where people can experience and enjoy music no matter where they live or what their socioeconomic status is.

Sony Music Foundation’s Latest Activities

  • Sony Music Foundation’sLatest Activities
  • The 30th Anniversary Projects (FY2014)
  • Sony Music Foundation, COVID-19 Special Support Project (FY2020)
    Support through funding young players and organizations impacted by COVID-19, who provide classical music education for kids and young students (total funding 50Mil Yen)
    ①Support of Music Education Org/Team who suffered from COVID-19 Pandemic (up to 0.5Mil yen per each Org/Team)
    ②Support of young players who have been providing classical music educational program for Kids (up to 0.1Mil yen per each player)
    ③Support of young players who create On-Line Music Program for Kids (up to 0.5Mil yen per Program)
    *We are no longer accepting applications


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